“Our strongest recommendation goes to Cameron 'Cam' Davis, who in 2018 won a two-year term and richly deserves a full term."
Chicago Tribune
Editorial Board, 2020
"...a valuable member of the MWRD board since he was elected in 2018 after an unusual write-in primary race. He has been a leader in setting the district’s environmental agenda..."
Chicago Sun-Times
Editorial Board, 2020
“Missing from the list [of donations]: any engineering firms with contracts with the district, traditionally one of the more lucrative sources of campaign contributions for incumbent commissioners. Davis pledged to not take those donations; campaign finance data shows that he’s kept his word.”
South Side Weekly, 2020
“We generally give [an endorsement] to incumbents doing a good job, and Davis...appear[s] to be doing so.”
Daily Herald Editorial Board, 2020

Cam has spent his entire career working for the public interest. In addition to his work with the Obama Administration and non-profit leadership, Cam has:
- Worked to write and pass a change in MWRD’s ordinance to recognize the need to protect disproportionately impacted communities from flooding;
- Led efforts to bring green infrastructure to suburban Cook County schoolyards;
- Included water quality protections in MWRD’s Watershed Management Ordinance.
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Because of his history working for the public interest, Cook County has supported him. For the first time in his life, Cam ran for public office in 2018 as a countywide write-in candidate. When pundits thought no one could win a countywide write-in race, together we broke the previous statewide write-in record set in 1944 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (Cam received 54,183 write-ins to FDR’s 47,561). When former Gov. Bruce Rauner tried illegally appointing someone to the write-in seat, Cam went to court and won on behalf of Cook County voters.
Cam Davis has worked for your water his entire 30+ year career:
- President Obama's Great Lakes point person
- Clean Water Act attorney
- President & CEO of the Alliance for the Great Lakes
- Law professor, University of Michigan Law School
- Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD)
Cam Davis will continue to work for your water:
- Reducing flooding, especially in our most vulnerable communities
- Advocating for and funding green infrastructure
- Supporting prevailing-wage jobs
Paid for and authorized by Cam Davis 4 Us.
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website (www.elections.il.gov) or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.